Saturday, January 22, 2011

Local Crook… I Mean Businessman… Goes to Jail

I am sure many of our clients will be happy to hear that Abe Alizadeh was arrested on Thursday. The California Attorney General arrested Abe on behalf of the California Board of Equalization because Abe failed to pay employment taxes.

Abe owes Kobra Properties and Stonegate Construction as well as a number of Jack-in-the-Box Franchises. Apparently, Abe was using the Jack-in-the-Box franchises to prop up Kobra and Stonegate. But soon Abe’s plan of robbing Peter to pay Paul fell apart and he failed to pay the payroll taxes for the Jack-in-the-Box franchises.

Abe hurt many of our clients and other subcontractors throughout the region by failing to pay his bills. He left many contractors in financial peril and drove others into bankruptcy. Nobody will be made whole from his actions. It is good to see him go to jail.

You can read the Business Journal article here:


  1. Really? You consider yourself a professional? Your headline alone shows why lawyers have the reputation of being synonymous with "snakes."

  2. Thank you for reading our blog. However, we stand by our opinion of Abe. He hurt many small businesses in the region. We discovered this first hand in representing many contractors, subcontractors and tenants against Abe's entities.

  3. Thank you for your "alleged" comments.

    However, your tabloid headline speaks tenfold about your skills. No professional needs to use this for business....but you do.

    I would never hire a firm who engages in gossip and meager words.

    I believe that says enough.
